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Showing posts from April, 2021


 Ventilator this word is now a days very common due to corona it' importance is increase at pick lets know what is ventilator? vent is small hole to allow air come in and out, also remove smoke, steam smells. so ventilator does this venting function continuously  its a machine blow air or oxygen to your lung  when to use ventilator? when you do not get oxygen to your blood which called respiratory failure then ventilator is used to push oxygen to lungs Basic principle of ventilator it is same as pump one stock suck air/oxygen and second stock push it to lungs. here is fig, for e.g. here is real ventilator example here is shown in fig. 3 main components to push the middle balloon need mechanism to press it continuously here i will show you the mechanism can use for it. This drive gear connected with motor which continuously pups with selected speed of demand & oxygen pumps to lungs by breathing circuit to control its speed and amount of oxygen controller is there to control Than

Corona precautions..

Here is sequence when you got corona positive Take below steps to prevent  Test : 1. First take rapid test if it positive than it's POSITIVE, if it comes negative than take test 2 2. Take RTPCR test it come with "CT" value If ct value more than 37 is negative  24-37 medium  spreading level 16-24 high spreading level 3. "CT" value between 15-20 than take below test CBC,CRP, ESR, LFT, dimmer, SGPT,  HRCT if symptoms are very aggressive  Equipment   If come positive you should have below Equipment's at home to continue checking  1. Thermometer - to check temperature  2. Oximeter - to check oxygen levels  Medicine 💊 1. Azinthromycin - 500 : to remove infection  2. Vitamin C & D, zinc: to increase immunity  3. Paracetamol: for fever 4. Smartbreath : vaporizer  Ayurvedic medicine 💊 1. Swasari Patanjali: for coughing  2. Ayush kwath powder: immunity booster 3. Darshana malis   pain relief at joints 4. Nilgiri oil: for vaporizer  Eating habits 😋 1. Drink lot

Why can't we meet demand of Oxygen...?

O2 Oxygen is the very important element in the world. But to produce Oxygen permission is required to take from central government During the first lockdown 🔐 the central government should take as urgent basis  Government has taken but they take very long time to start  They bring the tender and takes 8 months to select allocation from 150 companies  at starting there are only 5 companies are permitted  And now it's pick time ⏲️ to get Oxygen than they allow permission to stretch their limit